Planet earth

Planet earth
And all the small beautiful things, the things you take for granted.. Those are real privileges. Thanks to Mr. Romero for the beautiful photos ♥︎
I left Berlin a month ago. I made the decision in January. To step out of the total comfort that was stoping me from doing all the things I always wanted to do. It may sound a little dramatic. It is just how I felt. Berlin was supposed to be just one of the many […]
Open a door to another life, to an infinite journey. 3..2..1—>>
I don’t have much time lately lo update this blog, but I have a lot of pictures from the last months that I want to post. These were taken in March at an abandoned pool in Lichtenberg. One of te most easy to visit abandoned […]
Too many things. Too much to think about. And I know it’s worth it, but I just can’t stay focus in one thing for more than 10 minutes. Another thing jumps in my mind and I have to think about it. It’s the same all they long since April began. And it’s exhausting. But […]
I spend a lot of time thinking lately. About many different things. I don’t know how to put them all together, and I know that if I start overthinking I will end up writing nothing. So here I go. Fear and change. I think about how we fool ourselves with the idea of stability. And […]