In june, while I was in Barcelona, I took three rolls of film to the lab. This is one of them. And I just realized that the first picture was taken in August 2014… More than a year ago! The last one is from June 2015. It is interesting to me […]

In june, while I was in Barcelona, I took three rolls of film to the lab. This is one of them. And I just realized that the first picture was taken in August 2014… More than a year ago! The last one is from June 2015. It is interesting to me […]
Un día iba y yo en bici de camino a Moabit (no pregunten) y me paré a sacar esta fotografía. No la había mostrado todavía, y no porque no me gustara. Todo lo contrario. Quería esperar a sentirme agradecida por algo para que así la imagen cobrara algún sentido. ¿Por qué hoy? He vuelto a […]
I can’t leave the bed easily. It’s not that simple.
Primeros días.